Danfoss VLT 6000 Drive – Find comprehensive resources for Danfoss VLT 6000 AC drives, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

Danfoss VLT 6000 drive is a legacy product that has reached the Inactive phase of its lifecycle. This means it is discontinued and no longer in production by Danfoss.
- Successor product: VLT® HVAC Drive FC102
The VLT ® 6000 Series of adjustable frequency drives is specially designed for the unique requirements of HVAC applications. Standard features include PID control, DC link reactor for harmonics control, and energy optimizing capabilities. Low motor noise and high efficiency are also inherent in the VLT ® 6000. Danfoss Graham, the specialist in applying AC drives to HVAC applications, supplies pre-engineered bypass panels and other controls as required.
- 208 V – 1 to 60 HP
- 460 V – 1 to 600 HP
- 575 V – 2 to 60 HP
- Drive Enclosures – NEMA 1 all drive voltages, NEMA 12 all drive voltages except 575
- Drive and Option Enclosures – NEMA 1, NEMA 3R, NEMA 12
Customized Setup – All drives ship with customer’s specific application pre-programmed. After input of motor nameplate data, drive is ready for service.
VLT 6000 Keypad – All drives operate identically. All keypads are identical and interchangeable. Parameters from one drive can be downloaded to others. Remote mounting available.
- Displays four independent meters simultaneously. User can see at a glance drive frequency, current, output kW, and output kW-h or any four of twenty-five possible displays.
- Display can show one of many process variables, including %, °F, °C, Pa, bar, RPM, in. wg., gal/s, gal/min, gal/hr, ft 3/sec, ft 3/min, ft 3 /hr, lb/in2 and others.