Siemens 6RA70 DC Drive
Jun 13, 2022 5:59 am
Cause : Line frequency less than the minimum line frequency acc. to parameter P363 comes when line frequency less than the minimum line frequency for longer than set in parameter P086.
- This fault message is activated if the line frequency is less than the minimum line frequency (for longer than the “restart time” set in parameter P086).
- Up to software version 1.7 the threshold for activation of the fault message (minimum line frequency) is 45Hz.
- Frequency of the armature supply < minimum line frequency
- Frequency of the field supply < minimum line frequency
- Line frequency less than the minimum line frequency for longer than set in parameter P086 (if >0)
1 Reply
Jun 13, 2022 6:00 am
Cause : Line frequency less than the minimum line frequency acc. to parameter P363 (active in operating states of ≤ o5).
This fault message is activated if the line frequency is less than the minimum line frequency (for longer than the “restart time” set in parameter P086).
1 Frequency of the armature supply < minimum line frequency
2 Frequency of the field supply < minimum line frequency
4 Line frequency less than the minimum line frequency for longer than set in parameter P086 (if >0)