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F01360 fault in siemens 6RA80 DC Drive

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How can resolve problem F01360 fault in siemens 6RA80 DC Drive ?

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Posts: 18456
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Joined: 4 years ago

Cause : Topology: Actual topology not permissible. The detected actual topology is not permissible.

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
ccccbbaa hex: cccc = preliminary component number, aa = fault cause
aa = 01 hex = 1 dec:
Too many components were detected at the Control Unit. A maximum of 199 components is permissible.
aa = 02 hex = 2 dec:
The component type of a component is not known.
aa = 03 hex = 3 dec:
It is illegal to combine ALM and BLM.
aa = 04 hex = 4 dec:
It is illegal to combine ALM and SLM.
aa = 05 hex = 5 dec:
It is illegal to combine BLM and SLM.
aa = 06 hex = 6 dec:
A CX32 was not directly connected to a permitted Control Unit.
aa = 07 hex = 7 dec:
An NX10 or NX15 was not directly connected to a permitted Control Unit.
aa = 08 hex = 8 dec:
A component was connected to a Control Unit that is not permitted for this purpose.

aa = 0A hex = 10 dec:
Too many components of a particular type detected.
aa = 0B hex = 11 dec:
Too many components of a particular type detected on a single line.

Note: The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled.


Re fault cause = 1: Change the configuration. Connect less than 199 components to the Control Unit.
Re fault cause = 2: Remove the component with unknown component type.

Re fault cause = 3, 4, 5: Establish a valid combination.

Re fault cause = 6, 7: Connect the expansion module directly to a permitted Control Unit.

Re fault cause = 8: Remove component or use a permissible component.

Re fault cause = 10, 11: Reduce the number of components.
