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A5031 alarm in ABB ACS150 drive

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The A5031 code on your ABB ACS150 drive indicates a "Drive not ready" alarm. This means the drive is not in a state where it can operate the motor.

Here's a breakdown of the A5031 alarm:

  • Cause: The drive is not prepared to run the motor due to various reasons.
  • Possible Reasons:
  • Power Supply Issues: Insufficient input power voltage or a missing phase in the power supply can prevent the drive from operating correctly.
  • Control Panel Lockout: The drive might be configured with a control panel lockout that prevents starting the motor from the local panel.
  • Drive Faults: The drive might have detected other internal faults that need to be addressed before running the motor.
  • Drive Not Enabled: In some configurations, the drive might require an enabling command before it's ready to operate.