ABB ACS180 Drive
Jul 14, 2023 7:59 am
Cause : ID run - comes when motor ID run was not completed successfully due to maximum current limit too low or maximum speed limit or calculated field weakening point too low or maximum torque limit too low or current measurement calibration did not finish within reasonable time.
Check aux code for more information :
- 0001 - Maximum current limit too low : Check settings of parameters 99.06 Motor nominal current and 30.17 Maximum current. Make sure that 30.17 > 99.06. Check that the drive is dimensioned correctly according to the motor.
- 0002 - Maximum speed limit or calculated field weakening point too low : Check settings of parameters 30.11 Minimum speed 30.12 Maximum speed 99.07 Motor nominal voltage 99.08 Motor nominal frequency 99.09 Motor nominal speed. Make sure that 30.12 > (0.55 × 99.09) > (0.50 × synchronous speed) 30.11 < 0, and supply voltage > (0.66 × 99.07).
- 0003 - Maximum torque limit too low : Check settings of parameter 99.12 Motor nominal torque, and the torque limits in group 30 Limits. Make sure that the maximum torque limit in force is greater than 100%.
- 0004 - Current measurement calibration did not finish within reasonable time.