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ABB ACS880 drive programming

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Optimize your ABB ACS880 drive performance by configuring parameters like motor data, control mode, ramp times, and more. This guide provides a comprehensive overview for efficient setup.

Here is step by step programming of ABB ACS880 drive:

Step 1 – control wiring

Connect all control wiring for start/stop and speed reference. Below image show control wiring of ACS880 drive.

abb acs880 drive 2 wire new

Step 2 – Power wiring

Connect input power wiring and motor wiring to the drive. Below image show power wiring of ACS880 drive.

abb acs880 drive power wiring image 3

Step 3 – Parameters

Below list show all parameter used in ACS880 drive programming.

ABB Standard      
Factory Reset 96.06 62 Clear all
  96.04 1 ABB Standard(Macro)
Motor Data      
  99.06 ……A Motor Current
  99.07 ……V Motor voltage
  99.08 ……Hz Motor Freq
  99.09 ……rpm Motor rpm
  99.1 ……KW Motor Power
Control Mode 99.04 0 DTC
    1 Scaler
ID Run Request 99.13 0 No request
    1 Normal
    2 Reduced
    3 Standstill
    4 Autophasing
    5 Current measurement calibration
    6 Advance
& Deceleration
    For DTC Control
  23.12 ….s Acceleration Time 1
  23.13 ….s Deceleration time 1
  23.14 ….s Acceleration time 2
  23.15 ….s Deceleration time 2
& Deceleration
    For Scaler Control
  28.72 ….s Acceleration time 1
  28.73 ….s Deceleration time 1
  28.74 ….s Acceleration time 2
  28.75 ….s Deceleration time 2
Min speed 30.11 ….rpm  
Max speed 30.12 ….rpm  
Min Freq 30.14 ….Hz  
Max freq 30.15 ….Hz  
Max output current 30.17 ….A  
  30.19 ….% Min torque
  30.2 ….% Max torque

Step 4 – Testing and Verification

  1. Start the Motor: Once programming is complete, you can initiate motor operation using the start/stop buttons on the control panel or through external control signals if configured.
  2. Monitor Performance: Observe the motor's operation and verify it functions as intended. If adjustments are needed, return to parameter setting mode and fine-tune the settings