To communicate Schneider ATV312 series Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) using the Modbus RTU protocol, you'll need to configure both the VFD and your Modbus master device (such as a PLC or HMI) accordingly:
Communication Parameters:
- Determine the communication parameters required by the FR-E720 VFD, such as baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits.
- Ensure that these parameters match the settings configured in your Modbus master device.
Schneider ATV312 Parameters Setting
Setup the communication parameters as follows:
COM Menu >>> Add = 1 (Modbus Address)
tbr = 9.6 (Baud rate)
tF0 = 8E1 (8bit, Even, Stop bit 1)
tt0 = 3.0 (Timer Detect Com. Error)
CtL Menu
LAC = L3
Fr1 = Mbd
Fr2 = Mbd
Cd1 = Mbd
Cd2 = Mbd
Control Word = 8501 (dec) = 2135 (hex)
Set 2135 (hex) = 6 >>> Enable Operation
Set 2135 (hex) = 128 >>> Fault state reset
Set 2135 (hex) = 15 >>> Forward Run
Set 2135 (hex) = 2063 >>> Reverse Run
Set 2135 (hex) = 4111 >>> Stop Run
Frequency Set Address = 8502 (dec) = 2136 (hex)
Output Frequency = 3202 (dec) = C82 (hex)
Output Current = 3204 (dec) = C84 (hex)