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nm3/h to m3/h

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You can convert Nm3/h (normal cubic meters per hour) to m3/h (cubic meters per hour) using a conversion factor. Here's how:

  1. Identify the standard conditions: Nm3/h refers to the flow rate at standard conditions, typically 0°C (273.15 K) and 1 atm pressure (101.325 kPa).
  2. Conversion factor: Since Nm3 represents the volume of the gas at standard conditions, the conversion factor depends on the actual conditions (temperature and pressure) where the flow rate is measured.

There's no universal conversion factor as the gas volume changes with temperature and pressure. However, if you know the actual temperature (T) and pressure (P) of the gas, you can use the ideal gas law to calculate the conversion factor and then convert the flow rate.

  1. Ideal gas law: The ideal gas law relates pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of gas. It can be expressed as:

PV = nRT


  • P - Pressure (absolute pressure, in the same units as your actual pressure measurement)
  • V - Volume (in m3, which is what you want to convert to)
  • n - Number of moles (not required for this conversion)
  • R - Universal gas constant (approximately 8.314 J/mol*K)
  • T - Temperature (absolute temperature, in Kelvin)
  1. Calculate the conversion factor:

Assuming you have ideal gas behavior and negligible compressibility effects, you can rearrange the ideal gas law to solve for the volume at actual conditions (V_actual) divided by the volume at standard conditions (V_standard):

V_actual / V_standard = (T_standard * P_actual) / (T_actual * P_standard)


  • T_standard - Standard temperature (273.15 K)
  • P_standard - Standard pressure (101.325 kPa)
  • T_actual - Actual temperature (in Kelvin) measured during flow
  • P_actual - Actual pressure (in the same units as your pressure measurement)

This ratio represents the conversion factor between Nm3/h and m3/h for your specific conditions.

  1. Apply the conversion factor:

Multiply the Nm3/h flow rate by the conversion factor you calculated to get the flow rate in m3/h:

m3/h = Nm3/h * (T_standard * P_actual) / (T_actual * P_standard)

Remember: This conversion assumes ideal gas behavior, which may not be accurate for all gases at all conditions. For high pressures or certain gas types, you might need to consider using a real gas equation or consult relevant material property data.
