KEB Drives
Oct 23, 2024 7:11 am
keb drive fault list explained. Easy-to-understand guide for diagnosing and fixing common drive faults. Improve equipment uptime.
- bbL base block indicates that the power modules for motor de-excitation locked.
- bon close brake indicates that the brake control, brake engaged.
- boFF open brake indicates that the brake control, brake released .
- Cdd calculate drive indicates that the measurement of the motor stator resistance.
- dcb DC brake 7 indicates that the motor is decelerated by a DC-voltage at the output.
- FAcc forward acceleration indicates that the acceleration with the adjusted ramps in clockwise direction of rotation.
- dLS low speed / DC brake indicates that the modulation is switched off after DC-braking
- FAcc forward acceleration indicates that the acceleration with the adjusted ramps in clockwise direction of rotation.
- Fcon forward constant indicates that the acceleration / deceleration phase is completed.
- FdEc forward deceleration indicates that the adjusted ramp times in clockwise direction of rotation
- HCL hardware current limit indicates that the message is output if the output current reaches the hardware current limit.
- LAS LA stop – This message is displayed if during acceleration the load is limited to the adjusted load level.
- LdS Ld stop – This message is displayed if during deceleration the load is limited to the adjusted load level.
- LS low speed indicates that the no direction of rotation pre-set, modulation is off.
- noP no operation indicates that the control release (terminal ST) is not switched.
- PA positioning active – This message is displayed during a positioning process.
- SLL stall – This message is displayed if during constant operation the load is limited.
- E. br Error brake indicates that the case of switched on brake control.
- E.buS Error Watchdog indicates that the adjusted monitoring time (Watchdog) of communication between operator and PC / operator and inverter has been exceeded.
- E.dOH drive overheat indicates that the overtemperature of motor PTC. Error can only be reset at E.ndOH, if PTC is again low-resistance.
- E.EEP Error EEPROM defective indicates that the hardware issue in drive. After reset the operation is again possible.
- E.EF Error external fault indicates that the external error Is triggered, if a digital input is being programmed as external error input and trips.
- E.EnC Error Encoder cable indicates that the cable breakage at the resolver or incremental encoder.
- E.ndOH no ERROR drive overheat indicates that the motor temperature switch or PTC at the terminals T1/T2 is again in the normal operating range.
- E. OC overcurrent – Occurs, if the specified peak current is exceeded.
- E. OH overheat power module indicates that the overtemperature of power module.
- E.OH2 motor protection indicates that the electronic motor protective relay has tripped.
- E.OHI overheat internal indicates that the overheating in the interior.
- E. OL overload indicates that the mechanical fault or overload in the application.
- E.OL2 overload 2 – Occurs if the standstill constant current is exceeded.
- E. OP Overvoltage indicates that the voltage in the DC-link circuit too high.
- OS over speed indicates that the real speed is bigger than the max. output speed.
- E. Pu power unit indicates that the general power circuit fault.
- E.Puci Unknown power unit indicates that the initialization the power circuit could not be recognized or was identified as invalid.
- E.Puch power unit changed indicates that the power circuit identification was changed.
- E.PUCO Power unit communication indicates that the parameter value could not be written to the power circuit.
- A.dOHdrive overheat indicates that the the motor temperature has exceeded an adjustable warning level.
- A. EF external fault – This warning is triggered via an external input.
- A.ndOH drive overheat indicates that the motor temperature is again below the adjusted warning level.
- A.nOH overheat power module indicates that the heat sink temperature is again below the adjusted warning level.
- A.nOHI overheat internal indicates that the temperature in the interior of the inverter is again below the warning threshold.
- A. OH overheat power module indicates that the level can be defined, when it is exceeded this warning is output.
- A.OH2 motor protection indicates that the electronic motor protective relay has tripped.
- A.OHI overheat internal indicates that the temperature in the interior of the inverter lies above the permissible level.
- A. OL overload indicates that the level between 0 and 100 % of the load counter can be adjusted, when it is exceeded this warning is output.
- A.OL2 overload 2 indicates that the warning is output when the standstill continuous current is exceeded.
This is a comprehensive keb drive fault list. Quickly troubleshoot and resolve common issues.