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Autotune 1 fault in nidec control techniques drive

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Cause : Position feedback did not change or required speed could not be reached comes when the drive has tripped during an autotune. The cause of the trip can be identified from the sub-trip number.

1 - The position feedback did not change when position feedback is being used during rotating auto-tune.

2 - The motor did not reach the required speed during mechanical load measurement.

3 - The required commutation signal edge could not be found during a rotating auto-tune with a Commutation Only position feedback device.

4 - The required movement angle cannot be produced during a minimal movement test.

5 - The second part of the minimal movement test during auto-tuning cannot locate the motor flux position accurately.

6 - The phasing offset angle is measured twice during a stationary auto-tune and the results are not within 30 o of each other.

7 - The motor is moving when a phasing test on enable is selected and the drive is enabled, but the motor is still moving at a speed above the zero speed threshold.
