Nidec & Control Techniques Unidrive M700, M600, M400, HS30 & HS70 Drive
Apr 12, 2024 12:43 pm
Cause : An External trip is initiated comes when an External Trip has occurred. The cause of the trip can be identified from the sub trip number displayed after the trip string.
See table below. An external trip can also be initiated by writing a value of 6 in Pr 10.038.
1 - External Trip Mode (08.010) = 1 or 3 and Safe Torque Off input 1 is low.
2 - External Trip Mode (08.010) = 2 or 3 and Safe Torque Off input 2 is low.
3 - External Trip (10.032) = 1.
- Check the Safe Torque Off signal voltage (on terminal 31 on Unidrive M700 / M701 and terminal 11 & 13 on Unidrive M702) equals to 24 V.
- Check the value of Pr 08.009 which indicates the digital state of terminal 31 on Unidrive M700 / M701 and terminal 11 & 13 on Unidrive M702, equates to ‘on’.
- If external trip detection of the Safe Torque Off input is not required, set Pr 08.010 to OFF (0).
- Check the value of Pr 10.032.
- Select ‘Destinations’ (or enter 12001) in Pr mm.000 and check for a parameter controlling Pr 10.032.
- Ensure Pr 10.032 or Pr 10.038 (= 6) is not being controlled by serial comms.