Nidec & Control Techniques Unidrive M700, M600, M400, HS30 & HS70 Drive
Apr 13, 2024 4:58 am
Cause : Output current overload timed out (I2 t) comes when the Motor Too Hot trip indicates a motor thermal overload based on the Rated Current (Pr 05.007) and Motor Thermal Time Constant (Pr 04.015). Pr 04.019 displays the motor temperature as a percentage of the maximum value.
- The drive will trip on Motor Too Hot when Pr 04.019 gets to 100 %.
- Ensure the load is not jammed / sticking.
- Check the load on the motor has not changed.
- If seen during an auto-tune test in RFC-S mode, ensure the motor Rated Current in Pr 05.007 is ≤ Heavy duty current rating of the drive.
- Tune the Rated Speed (Pr 05.008) (RFC-A mode only).
- Check feedback signal for noise.
- Ensure the motor rated current is not zero.
- This trip can be disabled and current limiting activated on the motor overload by setting thermal protection mode Pr 04.016 to 1.