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SCADA protocols

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"SCADA protocols" play a crucial role in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, allowing efficient data exchange between various components. Here are some key protocols used in SCADA networks:

1. DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol):

  • Overview:
    • DNP3 is widely used in process automation systems, including electric utilities, chemical plants, and water distribution networks.
    • It facilitates communication between monitoring systems, data acquisition units (RTUs), and control equipment.
  • Features:
    • Interoperability with related protocols like MODBUS.
    • Corresponds to layer 2 (data link layer) in the OSI model, providing features like error checking, link control, and data fragmentation.
    • Transport function (layer 4) and application layer (layer 7) for SCADA applications.
    • Improved bandwidth efficiency through event-oriented data reporting.
    • Good error detection capabilities.
  • Security Considerations:
    • Originally not designed with robust security features.
    • Now compliant with IEC 62315-5, emphasizing secure SCADA-RTU master station communications.

2. IEC 60870 Protocol:

  • Purpose:
    • Developed for reliable communication in electric utility automation systems.
    • Ensures information integrity and transmission under adverse conditions.
  • Inter-Control Center Communications (ICCP):
    • Part of IEC 60870, used for interconnecting RTUs and IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices).
    • Widely used in master station communications.
  • Security:
    • Security authentication is essential due to historical vulnerabilities.

3. HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control):

  • Usage:
    • HDLC is a data link layer protocol used for point-to-point communication.
    • Commonly employed in SCADA networks.
  • Features:
    • Provides reliable and error-checked communication.
    • Supports both balanced (full-duplex) and unbalanced (half-duplex) modes.
    • Efficient for SCADA applications.

4. Modbus:

  • Open Source:
    • Modbus is widely adopted due to its open-source nature.
    • Approximately 80-90% of plant devices (inverters, trackers, etc.) use the Modbus protocol.
  • Functionality:
    • Simple and efficient for transmitting data between devices.
    • Supports both serial (Modbus RTU) and Ethernet (Modbus TCP) communication.
    • Commonly used in industrial automation and SCADA systems.