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What is the default port number for Omron PLC?

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The default port number for communication with Omron PLCs varies depending on the communication protocol being used. Here are the default port numbers for some common Omron PLC communication protocols:

  1. FINS Protocol (Omron's proprietary protocol):

    • TCP/IP: Port 9600 is commonly used for FINS communication over TCP/IP.
    • UDP: Port 9600 is also often used for FINS communication over UDP.
  2. Modbus TCP/IP:

    • Port 502 is the default port number for Modbus TCP/IP communication.
  3. Ethernet/IP:

    • Port 44818 is the default port number for Ethernet/IP communication.
  4. Host Link Protocol:

    • Port 9600 is commonly used for Host Link communication over serial (RS-232) connections.

It's important to note that these port numbers are the default settings and may be changed during configuration depending on the specific requirements of your system and network. When configuring communication with an Omron PLC, ensure that the port number matches the settings on both the PLC and the communicating device (e.g., HMI, SCADA system, or custom software).
