F01001 fault in siemens G120 Drive : Floating Point exception - comes when an exception occurred during an operation with the Floating Point data type. The error may be caused by the basic system or an OA application (e.g., FBLOCKS, DCC)
Cause : Floating Point exception - An exception occurred during an operation with the FloatingPoint data type. The error may be caused by the basic system or an OA application (e.g., FBLOCKS, DCC)
Note: Refer to r9999 for further information about this fault.
r9999[0]: Fault number.
r9999[1]: Program counter at the time when the exception occurred.
r9999[2]: Cause of the FloatingPoint exception.
Bit 0 = 1: Operation invalid
Bit 1 = 1: Division by zero
Bit 2 = 1: Overflow
Bit 3 = 1: Underflow
Bit 4 = 1: Inaccurate result
- carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.
- check configuration and signals of the blocks in FBLOCKS.
- check configuration and signals of DCC charts.
- upgrade firmware to later version.