Cause : Short-circuit/ground fault detected comes when a phase-phase short-circuit or ground fault was detected at the motor-side output terminals of the converter.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: Short-circuit, phases U-V
2: Short-circuit, phases U-W
3: Short-circuit, phases V-W
4: Ground fault with overcurrent
1xxxx: Ground fault with current in phase U detected (xxxx = component of the current in phase V in per mille)
2xxxx: Ground fault with current in phase V detected (xxxx = component of the current in phase U in per mille)
Solutions :
- check the motor-side converter connection for a phase-phase short-circuit.
- rule-out interchanged line and motor cables.
- check for a ground fault.
For a ground fault:
- do not enable the pulses when connecting to a rotating motor without the "Flying restart" function activated (p1200).
- increase the de-energization time (p0347).
- If required, deactivate the monitoring (p1901)