Cause : Lq-Ld measurement incorrect comes when fault has occurred during the Lq-Ld measurement or Lq and Ld represent the quadrature (Q) and direct (D) inductances, respectively, of a motor or a similar device.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
10: Stage 1: The ratio between the measured current and zero current is too low.
12: Stage 1: The maximum current was exceeded.
15: Second harmonic too low.
16: Drive converter too small for the measuring technique.
17: Abort due to pulse inhibit.
For fault value = 10: Check whether the motor is correctly connected. Replace the power unit involved. De-activate technique (p1909).
For fault value = 12: Check whether motor data have been correctly entered. De-activate technique (p1909).
For fault value = 16: De-activate technique (p1909).
For fault value = 17: Repeat technique.