Yaskawa A1000, U1000, V1000 & V1000-4X Drive
Mar 16, 2024 12:45 pm
Cause : Run Command/Frequency Reference Source Selection Error comes when frequency reference is assigned to an option card (b1-01 = 3) and an input option card is not connected to the drive. The Run command is assigned to an option card (b1-02 = 3) and an input option card is not connected to the drive.
- Reconnect the input option card to the drive.
- Frequency reference is assigned to the pulse train input (b1-01 = 4) and terminal RP is not set for frequency reference input (H6-01 > 0) Set H6-01 to 0.
- Although the digital card input is set for BCD special for a 5-digit input (F3-01 = 6), the data length is set for 8-bit or 12-bit (F3-03 = 0, 1). Set F3-03 to 2 to set the input data for 16-bit.
- The following values have been set while an AI-A3 option card is installed:
• The source of frequency reference setting is assigned to an option card (b1-01 = 3).
• The action for the analog card is set for separate terminal input (F2-01 = 0).
Properly set parameters.