Yaskawa E7, G7, GA800 & GA500 Drive
Mar 21, 2024 8:38 am
Cause : Modbus Communication Error comes when the communications cable wiring is incorrect or there is a short circuit in the communications cable or the communications cable is not connected.
- Repair short circuits and connect cables.
- Replace the defective communications cable.
- Electrical interference caused a communication data error.
- Examine the control circuit lines, main circuit lines, and ground wiring, and decrease the effects of electrical interference.
- Make sure that a magnetic contactor is not the source of the electrical interference, then use a Surge Protective Device if necessary.
- Use only the recommended cables or other shielded line. Ground the shield on the controller side or the drive input power side.
- Separate the communication wiring from drive power lines, and install a noise filter to the input side of the power supply for communication.
- Decrease the effects of electrical interference from the controller.