Fuji MONITOUCH V8 Series HMI – Find comprehensive resources for Fuji MONITOUCH V8 Series HMI, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

Fuji V8 Series HMI image

Fuji Electric’s MONITOUCH HMI V8 Series ranges from 5.7-inches up to 15-inches as well as 7.5-inches for the TFT handheld model. This series can communicate up to 8 different PLCs, drives, and temperature control protocols, which allows you to simultaneously exchange the data as a gateway. Each model is also compatible with the MSDE/SQL database as well as a USB mouse, keyboard, and printer.


High Performance Models

  • 7″ – 10.1″
  • V808iSD/V808SD, V810iT/V810T, V810iS/V810S, V812iS/V812S, V815iX

Standard Models

  • 5.7″ – 7.7″
  • V806iTD/V806TD, V806iCD/V806CD, V806iMD/V806MD, V810iC/V810C, V808iCD/V808VD, V808iCH/V808VH