Fuji MICREX-SX SPF Series – Find comprehensive resources for Fuji MICREX-SX SPF controller, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

Fuji MICREX-SX SPF Series image

The unit has impressive sequence computing performance for machine control operations, as well as enhanced data processing capabilities. Instruction execution time is as fast as 0.3 μs for basic instructions and 0.87 μs for data instructions, enabling the unit to achieve the highest performance of its class. This contributes to the production of machine based systems.


  • High-speed, high-functioning computing performance
  • Flexible application via an abundance of options
  • 200kHz, compatible with up to 4-axis servo systems
  • IEC61131-3 compliant programming