Inovance Nice3000+ Drive is an integrated elevator control solution that combines the functions of an elevator controller and an AC drive into a single unit. It’s designed for a variety of elevator applications, from low-rise to high-rise buildings.

- Redundancy control via multi-CPUs equipped with CANbus, Modbus, and GSM communications technology
- Displacement calculation methods derive the N velocity profile to achieve optimum direct-to-point distance control
- Simple 2-wire serial communications to commission duplex group control
- Group control of up to 8 elevators is based on fuzzy logic control theory
- In-built real-time clock to facilitate time-sharing control and elevator management
- Flexible emergency backup power; 220 Vac power input makes emergency evacuation easy with automatic light load direction search
- Automatic identification operation between short-floors
- Handheld operation tools: mini keypad, PC to facilitate easy commissioning
- 60 fault codes to facilitate easy diagnostics