LS-Electric XGT Motion & Positioning Module

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LS-Electric XGT Motion & Positioning Module image

LS-Electric XGT Motion & Positioning Modules are specialized I/O modules designed to control motion and positioning systems within the XGT Series PLC framework. These modules enable precise control of motors, servos, and other motion devices, making them essential for applications requiring accurate and synchronized movement.

XGT Motion ModuleXGT Positioning Module Features (Network type)
XGT Positioning Module Features (Pulse type)
XGT Motion Module
  • 32 axes (master) and 4 axes (virtual) control
  • EhterCAT CoE supported servo drive
  • Communication cycle : 1ms
  • Built-in DI/DO 8 points each and EtherCAT I/O 512 points
  • Program 2MB
  • External encoder input 2ch (line drive)
  • Max. transmission distance : 100m
XGT Positioning Module Features (Network type)
  • XGF-PN8A : Dedicated LSIS EtherCAT Network Support (XGT Servo N series)
  • XGF-PN8B : Standard EtherCAT Network Support(Standard EtherCAT Servo)
  • Direct connect with servo driver Max 8
  • 2~8 axes linear interpolation, 2axes circular interpolation, 3axes helical interpolation
  • Position, speed, feed control is possible through the various operation
  • Parameters, the operation data stored in the FRAM (No Battery)
  • Up to eight different types of CAM data for CAM control
  • Available for absolute position system (When applying absolute encoder type)
XGT Positioning Module Features (Pulse type)
  • Max 4Axes, Max pulse output 4Mpps
  • inear/Circular/ellipse/helical interpolation
  • Asymmetric acceleration and deceleration driving
  • Speed control, position control, speed/position control, position/speed control, Feed, CAM control
  • FRAM parameter
  • XG-PM monitoring, simulation, trace
  • CAM profile program

Below table show LS-Electric XGT Motion & Positioning Module specifications:

XGT Motion Module
CommunicationEtherCAT (CoE : CANopen over EtherCAT)
Number of axisReal32 axes
I/OInput/output 8 points each (built-in) EtherCAT I/O connection available
Control period1ms, 2ms, 4ms (same as main task period)
Control unitPulse, mm, inch, degree
I/OInternalInput 8 points, output 8 points
ExternalEtherCAT I/O 4 ea(max. 256 points)
Motion ProgramNo. of programMax. 256 ea
CapacityMax. 2Mbyte
LanguageLD(FB), ST
Position data6400 points/all aixs
Control methodPosition, Velocity, Torque(Servo drivers support) control, Synchronous control, Interpolation control
Range of position/velocity± LREAL, 0
Acc. Dec. processTrapezoid type, S-type
(Setting to specify the Jerk at function block)
Acc. Dec. time1 ~ 2, 147, 483, 647ms
Manual operationJOG operation
Torque unitRated torque % designation
Encoder inputChannel2 chennels
Max. inputMax. 500Kpps
Input methodLine drive input (RS-422A IEC specification) Open collector output type encoder
Input typeCW/CCW, Pulse/Dir, Phase A/B
Max. distance100m
Communication cableOver CAT.5 STP(Shielded Twisted-pair) cable
Error indicationIndicated by LED
Communication status indicationIndicated by LED
Occupied point I/OVariable: 16 point, Fixed: 64 point
Communication physical layer100BASE-TX
Consumable current(mA)900mA
XGT Positioning Module (Network type)
Number of axis8 axis4 axis
Interpolation2~8 axis linear, 2axis circular, 3axis helical interpolation
Control methodPosition, speed, Speed/position, position/speed position/torque, Feed control
Setting unitpulse, mm, inch, degree
Positioning dataEach axis has 400 data items (Operation step number 1~400). It is available to set with software package or programming.
XG5000PortRS-232C, USB
DataBasic, expansion, manual, servo parameter, operation data, cam data, command information
MonitorOperation, trace, input sort, error information
Back-upFRAM(parameter, operation data) no battery
Position addressAbsolutelncrementalSpeed/position, position/speed
rangeconversion control
 mm-214748364.8 ~ 214748364.7(㎛)-214748364.8 ~ 214748364.7(㎛)-214748364.8 ~ 214748364.7(㎛)
 inch-21474.83648 ~ 21474.83647-21474.83648 ~ 21474.83647-21474.83648 ~ 21474.83647
 degree-21474.83648 ~ 21474.83647-21474.83648 ~ 21474.83647-21474.83648 ~ 21474.83647
 pulse-2147483648 ~ 2147483647-2147483648 ~ 2147483647-2147483648 ~ 2147483647
Position speedmm0.01 ~ 20000000.00(mm/Min)
rangeinch0.001 ~ 2000000.000(inch/Min)
 degree0.001 ~ 2000000.000(degree/Min)
 pulse1 ~ 20.000.000 (pulse/Sec)
 RPM0.1 ~ 100000.0(RPM)
Accel/DecelTrapezoidal & S-curve acceleration/deceleration
Accel/Decel time1~2.147.483.647ms
ManualJog/ MPG/ inching
Homing methodMax+Z(Forward), Min+Z(Backward), Near-point+Z(Forward, Backward), Max+near-point+Z(Forward),
Min+near-point+Z(Backward), Z(Forward, Backward), near-point(Forward, Backward)
The ability to Change speedAbsolute/Percent
TorqueRated torque %
Absolute position SystemO (Absolute encoder type servo)
EncoderChannel2 Channel
inputMax. InputMax. 200 Kpps
 Input methodline-drive input(RS-422A IEC), open collector output type
 TypeCW/CCW, Pulse/Dir, Phase A/B
 Connector12 Pin connector
Communication Cycle800 ㎲
Max. distance100 m
CableSTP(Shielded Twisted pair) cable
Error displayLED
Operation displayLED
Occupied points of I/O64points (Fixed type), 16points (Variable type)
Current consumption (mA)500 ㎃
Weight(kg)115 g
XGT Positioning Module (Pulse type)
Number of axis1 axis2 axis3 axis4 axis
InterpolationCircular, linear, ellipseCircular, linear, helical, ellipse
Control methodPosition control, speed control, speed/position control, position/speed control, FEED
Positioning dataEach axis has 400 data items (Operation step number 1~400). It is available to set with XG5000 or programming.
Configuration ToolXG5000 (Connected with USB or RS-232C Port of CPU module)
Data backupFRAM(Parameter, Operation data), Flash memory (CAM Data), No battery
Pulse outputXGF-POxH: Open collector, XGF-PDxH: linedriver
PositioningPositioning methodAbsolute / Incremental
Positionmm-214,748,364.8 ∼ 214,748,364.7(㎛)
addressinch-21,474.83648 ∼ 21,474.83647
rangedegree-21,474.83648 ∼ 21,474.83647
 pulse-2,147,483,648 ∼ 2,147,483,647
Positionmm0.01 ∼ 20,000,000.00(㎜/min)
addressinch0.001 ∼ 2,000,000.000(inch/min)
speeddegree0.001 ∼ 2,000,000.000(degree/min)
 pulse1 ~ 500,000(pulse/sec): Open collector, 1 ~ 4,000,000(pulse/sec): linedriver
 RPM0.1 ∼ 100,000.0(RPM)
Accel/Decel patternTrapezoidal & S-curve acceleration/deceleration
Accel/Decel time0~2,147,483,647ms
Max. output pulseOpen collector: 500kpps, linedriver: 4Mpps
Max. distanceOpen collector: 5m, linedriver: 10m
Max. encoder input500kpps
Error displayLED
Size of cableAWG #24
Occupied points of I/O64 points (Fixed type), 16 points (Variable type)
Connection connector40Pin80Pin
Current consumption (mA)XGF-PO1H:400mAXGF-PO2H:410mAXGF-PO3H:420mAXGF-PO3H:420mA
Weight (kg)120130