LS-Electric XGT Special Module

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LS-Electric XGT Special Module image

LS-Electric XGT Special Modules are specialized I/O modules designed to handle specific tasks beyond the capabilities of standard input and output modules. These modules enhance the functionality of the XGT PLC system, enabling it to perform complex operations and integrate with specialized devices.


For sensor switch, control of temperature, weight, flow, motor, actuator, and even highly precise positioning control, XGT series offer diverse special modules such as analog, HSC, and positioning to satisfy complicated industrial needs.

Fast processing of parameter and data of special modules

  • Continually refreshes operation data of special module by CPU module
  • Includes contact points such as conversion data of AD/DA module and command of HSC & positioning modules

Easy- to-use (Easy operation parameter setting and data monitoring)

  • Convenient parameter setting available through XG5000
  • Provides useful functions that can monitor and test operation data and contact points through XG5000

Simple maintenance (Changing online module)

  • Without turning off and holding CPU, users can change special modules with ease.

Below table shows all module types:

Analog input/output moduleTemperature module
High speed counter moduleHART interface analogue/digital conversion module
Event input module (XGF-SOEA)Datalog module (XGF-DL16A)


  • Fast conversion processing
  • High resolution
  • Setting and monitoring special module parameters through XG5000
  • Supports 4 types of digital output data formats

Analog input module

XGF-AV8A8 channels, voltage
XGF-AC8A8 channels, current
XGF-AC8A8 channels, voltage/current
XGF-AD16A4 channels, voltage/current
XGF-AW4S16 channels, voltage/current

Analog output module

XGF-DV4A4 channels, voltage
XGF-DC4A4 channels, current
XGF-DV8A8 channels, voltage
XGF-DC8A8 channels, current
XGF-DV4S4 channels, voltage, Isolated
XGF-DC4S4 channels, current, Isolated

Analog input/output module

XGF-AH6AInput: 4ch, Voltage/ Current
Output: 2Ch Voltage/ Current


  • Insulation between channels
  • Supports various input sensors (supporting C-type sensor)
  • Various additional functions (average, filter, alarm, max/min value display)
  • Special module parameter setting and monitoring with XG5000

Temperature input module

XGF-TC4S4 channels, thermocouple input, Isolated
XGF-RD4A4 channels, RTD input
XGF-RD4S4 channels, RTD input, Isolated

Temperature controller

XGF-RD8A8 channels input: RTD
XGF-TC4UD4 channels input: voltage/current/TC/RTD 8 channels output: current/TR
XGF-TC4RT4 channels input: RTD 4 channels output: TR Control: 4loop


  • Parameter setting and monitoring using XG5000
  • Incremental encoder available
  • Supporting various pulse input (5V, 12V, 24V)
  • Various multiplication (1/2 phase pulse input)
  • External present input
  • Provides functions to prevent counting external signals
  • Supports HTL-level incremental encoder in the line-drive input type

High-speed counter module

XGF-HO2A2 channels, Open collector
XGF-HD2A2 channels, Line driver
XGF-H08A8-channels high speed counter module, 8Ch


  • It supports HART protocol in the input range of 4~20mA, bi-directional digital communication is available using analog signal wiring. If analog wiring is currently used, there is no need to add wiring for HART communication (HART communication is not supported in the range of 0~20mA)
  • High accuracy
  • Operation parameters setting/monitoring
  • Input disconnection detection function

Event input module (XGF-SOEA)


  • SOE: Sequence Of Events Recorder
  • I/O information collection to analyze the control system in Generation and Transformer
  • Event collection in every 1ms
  • Max. 300ea data available
  • Data retain by built-in memory
  • Max. installable module: 16ea
  • Event monitoring of history through SOE Viewer


  • Saves PLC device data without PC
  • Saves PLC control data without missing any change
    • Data can be saved whenever scanning is done or they can be saved at an interval of several ms(milliseconds).
  • Saves a large volume of data files
    • Long-term data saving is available since CF card and USB memory with a large volume of up to 16GB can be used.