LS-Electric XMC Motion Controller

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LS-Electric XMC image

The LS Electric XMC is a high-performance motion controller designed for demanding applications requiring precise and synchronized control of multiple axes. It stands out with its EtherCAT communication capabilities, PLC functionality, and advanced features for robotics and CNC control.

  • High-speed program processing: 6.25ns (Basic command)
  • EtherCAT-based high speed cycle times: 0.5/1/2/4ms (Same as main task cycle time)
  • Various built-in functions
    • 8 digital inputs/16 digital outputs, Encoder inputs (2 ch.), Ethernet,
      Analog Input (2 ch.)/Output (2 ch.) E32A, RS-232C/RS-485_E32C
  • Robot control: Delta3, Delta3R, Linear Delta, etc.
  • XG5000 software for programming and monitoring

Below table show LS-Electric XMC Motion Controller specifications:

Operation methodMain task/Periodic task: Fixed cyclic operation, repetitive operation. Initial task: Only once at the time of entering the RUN
Control periodMain task cyclic time: 0.5ms, 1ms, 2ms, 4ms Periodic task cyclic time: Multiple setting of main task
I/O Control methodSynchronized update with main task cycle (Refresh method)
Program languageLadder Diagram (Function block), Structured Text, G-Code
Number of instructionOperator18
Basic function202
Basic function block174
Special function block97
Processing speedBasic6.25ns or more (General point/coil)
Move5ns or more (Word type)
Arithmetic30ns or more (Word type)
ProgramnumberMax. 256
Capacity10MB (Motion program), 10MB (NC program)
Data areaSymbolic variable (A)4.096KB (Retain setting available up to 2,048KB)
Input variable (I)16KB
Output variable (Q)16KB
Direct variable (M)2,048KB (Retain setting available up to 1,024KB)
Flag variableF128KB
L22KB Note1)
N49KB Note1)
TimerNo limit in number of I/O points, Time range: 0.001˜4,294,967,295sec (1,193hour)
CounterNo limit in number of I/O points, Counter range: 64 bit range
ProgramInitial program, Main task program, Periodic task program, NC program
Operation modeRUN, STOP
Restart modeCold, Warm
Self-diagnosis functionTask cycle error, Task time occupancy rate exceed, memory abnormal, power abnormal, etc.
Back-up methodRetain area setting in basic parameter or retain variable setting.
Number of control axis Note2)XMC-E32A,E32C32 axes (Real/Virtual axis), 4axes (Virtual axis), 64 slaves (Max 32 slaves in case of 32 axes (Servo, INV) control)
XMC-E16A16 axes (Real/Virtual axis), 2axes (Virtual axis), 32 slaves (Max 16 slaves in case of 16 axes(Servo, INV) control)
XMC-E08A8 axes (Real/Virtual axis), 1axis (Virtual axis), 16 slaves (Max 8 slaves in case of 8 axes(Servo, INV) control)
CAM operationXMC-E32A,E32C32 profiles/32,768 points
XMC-E16A16 profiles/16,384 points
XMC-E08A8 profiles/8,192 points
CommunicationEtherCAT (CoE: CANopen over EtherCAT, FoE: File Access over EtherCAT)
Communication/Control period0.5ms, 1ms, 2ms, 4ms (Same with main task period)
Servo driveEtherCAT servo drive which supports CoE
Control unitPulse, mm, inch, degree
Control methodPosition, Velocity, Torque (Servo drive support), Synchronous, Interpolation
Range of position / Velocity±LREAL, 0
Torque unitRated torque % designation
Acc./Dec. profileTrapezoidal, S-curve(Regarding Jerk value set by function block)
Rage of Acc/Dec±LREAL, 0
Manual operationJOG operation
Absolute systemAvailable (When using absolute encoder type servo drive)
Encoder inputChannel2 channels
Input methodLine drive input (RS-422A IEC specification), Available open collector output type encoder
Input typeCW/CCW, Pulse/Dir, Phase A/B