Schneider Lexium ILA, ILE, ILS Servo Drives – Find comprehensive resources for Schneider ILA, ILE, ILS servo drives, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

Decentralised Motion Solutions – Integrated Drives for motion control with stepper, servo or brushless DC motor
Lexium Integrated Drive ILA
• With AC synchronous servo motor
• Superior dynamics and high torque
• Closed-loop drive system with high-resolution encoder
Lexium Integrated Drive ILE
• With brushless DC motor
• High detent torque
• Absolute position feedback
Lexium Integrated Drive ILS
• With stepper motor
• High torque at low speeds
• Superior constant velocity characteristics
Simple to install and commission
Integration of the motor and the control electronics reduces the installation costs and simplifies the incorporation of electromagnetic compatibility. In addition, Lexium CT PC software provides rapid commissioning.
Optimum flexibility
The integrated drives can be equipped with an AC synchronous servo motor, a DC brushless motor or a stepper motor, thus providing numerous possibilities for use in a wide variety of applications.
Depending on the technology used, they can thus meet requirements for dynamic performance, flexibility, or precision in motion control applications.
Integrated safety
The integrated Safe Torque Off (Power Removal) safety function enables a category 0 or 1 stop to be performed in accordance with standard IEC/EN 60204-1 without external power protection devices.