Yaskawa Z1000 Drive

Yaskawa Z1000 Drive – Find comprehensive resources for Yaskawa Z1000 AC drives, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

Yaskawa Z1000 Drive image

Yaskawa Z1000 is a variable frequency drive (VFD) specifically designed for building automation applications, primarily for controlling fans, pumps, and cooling towers in HVAC systems.

Power Rating:

  • 200 V Class: 2.2 to 110 kW (3 to 150 HP)
  • 400 V Class: 2.2 to 370 kW (3 to 500 HP)

Harmonic Mitigation:

  • Built-in 5% line impedance for input harmonic reduction.

Noise Filter:

  • On board EMI/RFI filter complies with IEC 61800-3 restricted distribution for first environment.

Serial Communications:

  • Embedded BACnet communications (BTL Certified), along with Modbus/Memobus, Metasys and Apogee FLN.


  • Plenum Rated (UL 1995). Seismic Rated (IBC 2006 – Certification 12/2011). Made with RoHS compliant materials.

Internal Real-Time Clock:

  • Time and date stamping for events, along with timer controls for starting, stopping, and speed changes without the need for external controls.

PI Feature:

  • Maintains a set point for closed loop control of fans and pumps for pressure, flow or temperature regulation and eliminates the need for a closed loop output signal from a BAS. Independent PI to control an external device in the system.

LCD Operator:

  • 5-Line 16 character alpha-numeric, easy to read and understand display, with Hand-Off-Auto functions.

Carrier Frequency:

  • 5 kHz carrier frequency with dynamic noise control for quiet motor operation.

Application Macros:

  • Choose from pre-configured set up macros to match the application for quick and easy set up.

Sealed Heatsink:

  • Allows for drive to be mounted in a NEMA 12 enclosure with heatsink external.
  • HVAC systems
  • Fans (supply, exhaust, return)
  • Pumps (chiller, condenser, circulating)
  • Cooling towers