Yaskawa iCube Control – iC9200

Yaskawa iCube Control – iC9200 : Find comprehensive resources for Yaskawa iC9200, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

Yaskawa iCube Control – iC9200 image

Yaskawa iCube Control – iC9200 is a powerful and versatile machine controller designed for a wide range of industrial automation applications. It’s known for its ability to handle complex tasks, integrate various functionalities, and provide a secure and efficient control platform.


The iC9200 is a machine controller for motion, logic, kinematics, safety, security, and more. The iC9200 is ready for any challenges you’ll face, including those you don’t even know about yet.

  • Yaskawa Triton processor with 3 cores and 1.26GHz clock speed
  • Network communication includes OPC UA, Ethernet/IP, Modbus/TCP, and EtherCAT
  • Network safety with FsOE
  • Expandable connected I/O modules