ABB ACS180 Drive Brake Chopper & Brake Resistor – The brake chopper is standard for the ACS180 R2 and above frame size. It not only controls braking, but also supervises system status and detects failures such as brake resistor and resistor cable short-circuits, chopper short-circuit, and calculated resistor over-temperature. See the tables for internal brake chopper specifications for each drive type.
Note : The ACS180 frame R0 and R1 do not have internal braking chopper nor the DC connection.
Following rating not support brake chopper function or external braking unit :
1-phase, U N = 230 V (range 200 to 240 V) – .37 KW to 2.2 KW ( 2.4A to 9.8A)
3-phase, U N = 230 V (range 200 to 240 V – .37 KW to 2.2 KW ( 2.4A to 9.8A)
3-phase, U N = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V) – .55 KW to 4 KW ( 1.8A to 9.4A)
Brake resistor – The brake resistors are separately available for the ACS180. Resistors other than the standard option resistors may be used, provided that the specified resistance value is within the specified limits and that the heat dissipation capacity of the resistor is sufficient for the drive application (see hardware manual).
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ABB ACS180 Drive Brake Chopper & Brake Resistor
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