ABB DCS800 Drive

ABB DCS800 Drive – Find comprehensive resources for ABB DCS800 DC drive, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

ABB DCS800 is a high-performance, robust DC drive designed for demanding industrial applications. It offers a broad power range, catering to various industrial needs, from smaller to very large applications.

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The DCS800 DC drive designed for tough industrial applications, from rolling out steel to turning a cement kiln require equally tough products. And that’s the idea that went into our DCS800 industrial DC drives. From wire drawing to running cable cars, our DC drives give you the day-to-day reliability and performance you expect with the flexibility to meet your unique process requirements. Our Automation Builder gives you the engineering productivity to customize drive control.

  1. Assistant control panel providing intuitive use of the drive.
  2. Excellent control performance up to highest dynamic application in field weakening operation.
  3. All ACS800 PC tools (via DDCS) can be connected
  4. Reduced installation and commissioning work.
  5. Internal three phase field exciter without additional external hardware.
  6. Prepared for addtional software function by adaptive programming and IEC 61131 programming.
  7. Flexible fieldbus system with built-in Modbus and numerous internally mountable fieldbus adapters


  • Single drives, 20 A to 5,200 A, 400 to 1200 V
  • Built-in three phase field exciter
  • IEC 61131 programmable
  • Built-in Modbus with a whole range of optional communication options
  • Built-in control for shared motion, double motor operation, field reversal and classic 12-pulse installations
  • Perfect for non-motor applications


  • High Performance and Reliability: The DCS800 is engineered for tough industrial environments, providing reliable and precise control of DC motors.
  • Wide Power Range: It offers a broad power range, catering to various industrial needs, from smaller to very large applications.
  • Flexibility and Customization:


The ABB DCS800 is used in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Metals (rolling mills, etc.)
  • Pulp and paper
  • Mining
  • Plastics and rubber
  • And many other heavy industrial applications.

ABB DCS800 is a powerful and versatile DC drive that delivers high performance, reliability, and flexibility for demanding industrial applications.

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