I want to connect dcs880 fpno-21 with siemens Tiaportal -1200.
Can i communicate? I couldn't find an example from Abb, can you help me?
best regards
Yes you can communicate with Siemens TIA portal 1200.
many thanks for answere
Do you have a simple example for communication?
best regards
First you have to install FPNO-21 PROFINET IO Adapter Module GSDML File in your controller
here is link of abb file click here or search on abb webiste
Then check DCS880 firmware manual group 50 & 51 parameter and program as per your system. After this if you facing any problem then revert us.
thanks for your advice,
i got the connection and i can control 10 drivers
I want to limit torque with ref2 for 1 drive
Which parameter should I send in the driver?
best regards