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commander se manual pdf

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commander se manual pdf :

HF01 SOFTSTARTFAIL Soft start relay failure detected by DSP (not applicable to SE size 5)

HF02 OIFAILURE OI trip detected at power up

HF03 FANFAILED Cooling fan not running (if fitted). No PWM detected by micro

HF70 LEVEL1OVERRUN User code level 1 overrun

HF71 LEVEL2OVERRUN User code level 2 overrun

HF72 LEVEL3OVERRUN User code level 3 overrun

HF73 DSPCOMMS Communications between processor and DSP not working

HF74 DSPOVERRUN DSP code overrun

HF83 POWERBOARD CODE Incorrect power board code

HF88 WDOG User code watchdog failure

HF90 STACKOF User code stack overflow

HF91 STACKUF User code stack underflow

HF92 ILLOPCODE User code illegal opcode

HF96 ILLADDRESS User code illegal address

HF98 INTCRASH User code interrupt crash error

These trips codes are internal to the drive and are not caused by the customer. With most of these trips, if the drive is powered down and back up, the trip will be cleared and the drive will run as normal.

HF01 - If the inrush/softstart relay does not close correctly on power up or opens while the drive is running, the drive will trip
on HF01.

HF02 - If the drive detects an OI.AC - overcurrent trip on power up, the drive will trip on HF02 and not OI.AC

HF03 - If a Commander SE is fitted with a heatsink cooling fan and it stops working, the drive will trip on HF03.

HF70, 71 & 72 - The user interface code (control PCB microprocessor) runs on different priority levels and each level has a certain time to complete its tasks. If for some reason the code cannot complete its task within the allotted time, it will trip on

HF70, 71 or 72.

HF73 - The 2 microprocessors talk to each other via 2 wire RS485 serial communications. If this internal serial
communication link fails, the drive will trip on HF73.

HF74 - As HF70, 71 & 72 but with the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) on the power PCB.

HF83 - The DSP reads a voltage from the power pcb to determine the correct drive kW size. If this voltage is different to an
expected value, the drive will trip on HF83.

HF88, 90, 91, 92, 96 & 98 - While the user code is running, it is continuously checking that the data it is receiving is valid, the addresses are valid etc. If it detects a problem, it will trip on one of the trips codes HF88, 90, 91, 92, 96 & 98.

DSP refers to the Digital Signal Processor that is the microprocessor on the drives power PCB which contains the machine control software

User code / User interface refers to the microprocessor on the drives control PCB which contains the user interface software
