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EXTERNAL TRIP fault in parker AC690 drive

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Cause : EXTERNAL TRIP comes when an external fault or protection device has tripped, causing the drive to shut down. This could be due to various reasons, such as a circuit breaker tripping, a fuse blowing, or a safety relay activating.

EXTERNAL TRIP fault in Parker AC690 drive indicates that an external device or condition has triggered a shutdown or fault condition in the drive. This fault is typically linked to safety or protective measures that are outside the drive itself but connected to its operation.

Possible Causes and Solutions:

  1. External Safety Device Activation:

    • Cause: Safety devices such as emergency stop buttons, safety relays, or limit switches may have been activated, causing the drive to trip.
    • Solution:
      • Check safety devices: Inspect any external safety devices connected to the drive. Ensure that they are functioning correctly and that there are no false trips or malfunctions.
      • Reset safety devices: If the safety devices were triggered, reset them according to their operation procedures.
  2. External Interlock Signals:

    • Cause: External interlock signals from other equipment or systems may have tripped, causing the drive to fault.
    • Solution:
      • Verify interlock signals: Ensure that all external interlock signals are in their normal operating state. Check the wiring and connections for any issues or disruptions.
      • Inspect interlock devices: Confirm that interlock devices are functioning correctly and that there are no faults or issues causing unintended trips.
  3. External Power Issues:

    • Cause: Problems with the external power supply, such as undervoltage or phase loss, can trigger an external trip fault.
    • Solution:
      • Check the power supply: Verify that the external power supply is stable and within the specified voltage range. Address any issues with voltage stability or phase imbalances.
  4. Faulty External Wiring or Connections:

    • Cause: Wiring issues or faulty connections between the drive and external devices can cause the drive to trip.
    • Solution:
      • Inspect wiring and connections: Check all external wiring and connections to ensure they are secure and free from damage. Repair or replace any faulty wiring or connectors.
  5. External Device Configuration:

    • Cause: Misconfiguration of external devices or settings can lead to unintended external trips.
    • Solution:
      • Review configuration settings: Verify that external devices and interlocks are configured correctly according to the application requirements and safety standards.
  6. Overtemperature or Overcurrent Protection:

    • Cause: External devices monitoring overtemperature or overcurrent conditions might trip the drive if these conditions are detected.
    • Solution:
      • Check external protection devices: Ensure that any external overtemperature or overcurrent protection devices are functioning correctly and that they are set to appropriate levels for the application.