Fuji MONITOUCH V10 Series HMI – Find comprehensive resources for Fuji MONITOUCH V10 Series HMI, including product catalogs, manuals, price list, programming guides, fault, alarm, warnings & software support. Get expert assistance for troubleshooting and optimization.

The Fuji V10 Series HMI is a line of Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) from Fuji Electric, known for their high performance and user-friendliness. These HMIs are designed to enhance industrial automation processes with advanced features and a focus on efficiency.
The MONITOUCH V10 Series the new standard for high speed HMI. Focusing on the six basic performance aspects of HMI: rendering, operation, communication, startup, transfer, and custom code, the V10 series was developed with the aim of stress-free operation. Industry-leading performance is achieved by adopting quad-core CPUs and optimizing applications.
Industry Best Performance
- 8.4″ to 15″ Display Area
- Rendering: Highest screen switching speed
- Operation: Quickest input response time
- Startup: Shortest startup time from power-on
- Transfer: highest screen data transfer time
- Communication: Reduces the reading and writing time of multipoint data
- Custom Code: Reduces stress during the operation of high-load screens with the highest processing speed for macro command execution
Full Compatibility
- Minimal development cost in HMI replacement
- Full compatibility in software
- Screen assets created for the V9 Series can be easily converted for use in the V10 Series
- Full compatibility in hardware
- Panel cutout sizes are fully compatible, specifications of special models remain the same
- Communication units are fully compatible, communication units (CUR-xx) for V9 Series can be used
Benefits for Every Department
- Operation & Communication high speed processing of quad -core CPU
- Allows for stable operation and communication performance even on high-load screens
- Startup & Transfer advanced storage device (eMMC)
- Reduced startup/transfer time and man-hours
- Compatibility panel cutout size and functions
- Fully compatible with existing V series