Toshiba S11 Drive

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Toshiba S11 Drive image

Toshiba S11 Drive, also known as the Toshiba VF-S11, is a compact and versatile adjustable speed drive designed for a broad range of industrial applications.

Power rating

  • 1-phase 240V class 0.2 2.2kW
  • 3-phase 240V class 0.4 15kW
  • 3-phase 500V class 0.4 15kW
  • 3-phase 600V class 0.75 15kW

The S11 provides maximum torque with precise speed control. It features an easy-to-use, quiet and compact design. In addition, its advanced technology allows for versatile communications. No other micro inverter delivers such reliable performance and extensive capabilities at such a competitive price.

  • Compact and User-Friendly:
    • It’s designed to be compact, allowing for installation in space-constrained environments.
    • It emphasizes ease of use, with features that simplify setup and operation.
  • Performance and Control:
    • It provides precise speed control and high starting torque.
    • It utilizes Toshiba’s “True Torque Control” for enhanced performance.
    • It has features such as auto-tuning, and automatic torque boost.
  • Versatility:
    • It supports various communication options, enabling integration into different control systems.
    • It is designed to be used in a wide variety of industrial applications.
  • Key Features Highlighted:
    • High Torque.
    • Easy Maintenance.
    • User-Friendly.
    • Compact Design.
    • Communications.
  • Applications:
    • The Toshiba VF-S11 is used in various applications, including:
      • Conveyors
      • Pumps
      • Fans
      • And other general-purpose industrial machinery.
Standard Specification
Model Range- KW/HP1 Phase 240 V .4-2.2 KW .5-3 HP3 Phase 240 V .4-15 KW .5-20 HP3 Phase 460 V .75-15 KW 1-20 HP3 Phase 575 V 1.5-15 KW 2-20 HP
Voltage Rating200-240 V200-240 V380-500 V525-600 V
Input Voltage Tolerance-10% / +10%-10% / +10%-10% / +10%-10% / +10%
Voltage RegulationAdjustable within the range of 50-600 V by correcting the supply voltage (not adjustable above the input voltage)
PWM Carrier FrequencyAdjustable between 2.0-16 KHz. (default 12 KHz/current derate applies above 4 KHz}
Control SystemSine Wave PWM System
V/Hz PatternOpen Loop Vector, Constant Torque, Variable Torque, Auto Torque Boost, Manual Torque Boost, Automatic Energy Saving, Dynamic Automatic Energy Saving, PM Motor Control, Auto Tuning, Base Frequency 25-500 Hz, Torque Boost 0-30%; Start Frequency .5-10 Hz
Overload Rating150% for 60 seconds, 200% for .5 second
Frequency SettingPotentiometer and Digital Input on Front Panel, Remote Potentiometer (1-10 KOhms), 0-10 Vdc (input impedance VIA/VIB=30 KOhm), 4-20 mAdc (input impedance 250 Ohm, 15 preset speeds by contact closure)
Frequency PrecisionAnalog Input ± 0.5% of the Maximum Output Frequency, Digital Input ± 0.01% of the Maximum Output Frequency
Frequency Command Resolution0.01 Hz Operation Panel, 0.1 Hz Analog Input
Output Frequency Range0.5-500 Hz (default 0.5-80 Hz, Maximum Frequency 30-500 Hz)
Frequency JumpThree Frequencies with Adjustable Range
PID ControlProportional Gain, Integral Gain and Differential Gain Settings and Control Wait Time
Upper and Lower Limit FrequenciesUpper Limit Frequency: 0 to Max Frequency, Lower Limit Frequency: 0 to Upper Limit Frequency
Input TerminalsEight Input Terminals Programmable to 65 Functions, Logic Selectable Between Sink and Source
Analog InputsOne 4-20 mA, One 0-10 V or 1-10 KOhm Potentiometer Connections
Output ContactsOne Open Collector and One Relay Contact Programmable to 58 Functions
Analog Output1 mA / 7.5 Vdc or Switch Selectable to 0-20 mA (4-20 mA), Programmable to 19 Functions
Power TerminalsInput (L1, L2, L3), Output (T1, T2, T3), DCL (PO, PA), DBR (PA, PB), DC BUS (PA, PC)
  Protective FunctionsStall Prevention, Current Limitation, Output Short Circuit, Overvoltage, Overvoltage Limitation, Undervoltage, Ground Fault, Power Supply Phase Failure, Output Phase Failure, Overload Protection, Overcurrent at Startup, Overtorque, Undercurrent, Overheat, Cumulative Operation Time, Life Alarm, Emergency Stop, Braking Resistor Overload, Various Pre-alarms
RetryASD can clear fault upon trip automatically. Programmable to 10 times with wait time up to 10 seconds between retry.
RestartASD will catch a freewheeling motor smoothly.
AmbientTemperature: -10-50°C, 14-122°F. Humidity 93% Non-Condensing
InstallationNEMA 1/IP20 (enclosed type)
LED IndicationsRun, Monitor Mode, Program Mode, % and Hz Indication, Frequency Setting Mode by Potentiometer or Up/Down Keys, DC Bus Capacitors Charged
MonitoringOperation Frequency, Operation Frequency Command, Forward/Reverse Run, Output Current, Voltage in DC Section, Output Voltage, Torque, Torque Current, Drive Load , DBR Load, Input Power, Output Power, Monitor of Input and Output Terminals, CPU and Memory Versions, PID Feedback and Frequency Command, Rated Current, Past Trips 1-4, Parts Replacement Alarm, Cumulative Run Time
Selectable Display UnitsCurrent and voltage display selectable between Amps/Volts or % along with scaling factor multiplier


Model FLA & Approximate Dimensions (inches) / Weight (lbs)
240 V.5 HP 1 HPVFS11S-2004PL-WN VFS11S-2007PL-WN3.3 4.85.1 5.12.8 2.85.5 5.52.9 2.9
1 Phase2 HP 3 HPVFS11S-2015PL-WN VFS11S-2022PL-WN8.0 11.05.1 6.74.1 5.55.9 5.94.0 6.2
 .5 HPVFS11-2004PM-WN3.
 1 HPVFS11-2007PM-WN4.
 2 HPVFS11-2015PM-WN8.
240 V 3 Phase3 HP 5 HP 7.5 HPVFS11-2022PM-WN VFS11-2037PM-WN VFS11-2055PM-WN11.0 17.5 27.55.1 6.7 8.74.1 5.5 7.15.9 5.9 6.73.1 5.1 5.5
 10 HPVFS11-2075PM-WN33.
 15 HPVFS11-2110PM-WN54.
 20 HPVFS11-2150PM-WN66.
 1 HPVFS11-4007PL-WN2.
 2 HPVFS11-4015PL-WN4.
460 V3 HP 5 HPVFS11-4022PL-WN VFS11-4037PL-WN5.5 9.56.7 6.75.5 5.55.9 5.95.9 6.4
3 Phase7.5 HP 10 HPVFS11-4055PL-WN VFS11-4075PL-WN14.3 17.08.7 8.77.1 7.16.7 6.713.9 13.9
 15 HPVFS11-4110PL-WN27.712.29.67.521.6
 20 HPVFS11-4150PL-WN33.
 2 HPVFS11-6015P-WN2.
 3 HPVFS11-6022P-WN3.
575 V 3 Phase5 HP 7.5 HP 10 HPVFS11-6037P-WN VFS11-6055P-WN VFS11-6075P-WN6.1 9.0 11.06.7 8.7 8.75.5 7.1 7.15.9 6.7 6.76.4 13.9 13.9
 15 HPVFS11-6110P-WN17.
 20 HPVFS11-6150P-WN22.